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tamoadmin 2024-06-18 人已围观
简介1.50分 急求一份关于 气候变化 的英语演讲稿,谢谢2.气候变暖英语3.跪求一篇关于全球变暖的英语作文,要有翻译。谢了!4.气候变化用英语怎么说5.谁帮忙找一篇关于二氧化碳的英语作文6.随着人口的增长,气候变化和环境的恶化如何节约食物和水,英语作文Global Warming 全球暖化 温室效应导致全球变暖 global warming“温室效应”是指地球大气层上的一种物理特性。假若没有大气层,
1.50分 急求一份关于 气候变化 的英语演讲稿,谢谢
Global Warming 全球暖化 温室效应导致全球变暖 global warming“温室效应”是指地球大气层上的一种物理特性。假若没有大气层,地球表面的平均温度不会是现在合宜的15℃,而是十分低的-18℃。这种温度上的差别是由温室气体导致的,这些气体吸收红外线辐射而影响到地球整体的能量平衡。受到温室气体的 影响,大气层吸收红外线辐射的份量比它释放到太空外的垛,这使地球表面温度上升,这个过程就是“天然的温室效应”。但由于人类活动释放出大量的温室气体,结果让更多红外线辐射被折射到地面上,加强了“温室效应”的作用。 全球变暖是目前全球环境研究的一个主要议题。根据对100多份全球温度变化资料的系统分析,发现全球平均温度已升高0.3~0.6摄氏度。其中11个最暖的年份发生在80年代中期以后,因而全球变暖是一个毋庸置疑的事实。全球变暖将带来非常严重的后果,如冰川消退、海平面上升、荒漠化等等,还给生态系统、农业生产带来严重影响。全球变暖现象最终可能会导致全球变冷,形成另一次冰河时代。就像我们在美国**《后天》里面看到的可怕情景。 因此,探求全球变暖的起因成为重要的研究课题。分析表明,虽然地球演化史上曾经多次发生变暖--变冷的气候波动,但人类活动引起的大气温室效应增长可能是主要因素。 各国政府、企业和科学家们逐步达成共识,大家必须迅速行动起来,与气候变化作斗争。目前人们已经采取措施限制二氧化碳的排放量。许多公司正积极应对二氧化碳限排时代的到来。Global Warming 全球暖化 温室效应导致全球变暖 According to the National Academy of Sciences, the Earth's surface temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming during the past two decades. There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases – primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. The heat-trapping property of these gases is undisputed although uncertainties exist about exactly how earth’s climate responds to them. Energy from the sun drives the earth's weather and climate, and heats the earth's surface; in turn, the earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, trap some of the outgoing energy, retaining heat somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse. Without this natural "greenhouse effect," temperatures would be much lower than they are now, and life as known today would not be possible. Instead, thanks to greenhouse gases, the earth'
50分 急求一份关于 气候变化 的英语演讲稿,谢谢
1. Your knowledge about global warming, climate change, CO2 emissions. 你对全球
a lot 很多
fair 足够
none 没有
2. Impacts on reducing climate change (please rank the following) 减低气候变化的影响 (请排序)
Recycling 循环再用
Changes to car usage 改变车辆的使用
Cutting down on the use of electricity and gas at home 减少家居用电量和天然气使用
Taking fewer flights 少坐飞机
Improving or installing insulation at home 改良或安装家居的绝缘系统
Cutting down on water usage at home 减少家居用水
3. Access of recycling programs (You may tick more than one choice) 循环再用计划的接触 (可以多选)
Paper 纸张
Metal cans 金属罐
Glass bottles 玻璃瓶
Plastics 塑料
Special disposal programs 特殊处理程序
4.Use of recycling programs (You may tick more than one choice) 循环再用计划的使用 (可以多选)
Paper 纸张
Metal cans 金属罐
Glass bottles 玻璃瓶
Plastics 塑料
Special disposal programs 特殊处理程序
5.Use of disposable diapers 即弃尿布的使用
All of the time 任何时间
Most of the time 大部份时间
Sometimes 有时
Never 从来没有
Child(ren) not in diapers 没有使用尿布的小孩
6. Regularly purchase paper towels or toilet paper made from recycled paper
7. Regularly take their own bag when shopping 经常自备购物袋
8.Use a compost heap, compost container or composting service 使用堆肥,堆肥容器或堆肥服务
9.Use chemical pesticides 使用化学农药 (杀虫剂)
10.Use chemical fertilizers 使用化学肥料
11.Use Programmable thermostat 使用可编程温控器
12.Regularly lower indoor temperature in winter 冬天定期调低室内温度
13.Use energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs 使用节能灯泡
14.Have water saving, low-flow shower head 使用节水、低流量的淋浴头
15.Have water saving, low-flow toilet 使用节水,低流量厕所
16.Have filter or purifier for drinking water 使用饮用水过滤器或净人净化器
17.Purchase bottled water 购买瓶装水
18.Principal method of travel to work 主要返工的方法
Public transit 公共交通工具
Motor vehicle as driver 车辆 (作为司机)
Motor vehicle as passenger 车辆 (作为乘客)
Bicycle (自行车)
Walk only (步行)
19. Use recycle paper (use both sides) in your office 在你的办公室使用回收纸(使用双面)
20.Use recycle printer cartridge in your office 在你的办公室使用回收打印机墨盒
Thank you very much. Good morning. I want to thank the Secretary General for organizing this summit, and all the leaders who are participating. That so many of us are here today is a recognition that the threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent, and it is growing. Our generation's response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet it -- boldly, swiftly, and together -- we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe.
No nation, however large or small, wealthy or poor, can escape the impact of climate change. Rising sea levels threaten every coastline. More powerful storms and floods threaten every continent. More frequent droughts and crop failures breed hunger and conflict in places where hunger and conflict already thrive. On shrinking islands, families are already being forced to flee their homes as climate refugees. The security and stability of each nation and all peoples -- our prosperity, our health, and our safety -- are in jeopardy. And the time we have to reverse this tide is running out. And yet, we can reverse it. John F. Kennedy once observed that "Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man." It is true that for too many years, mankind has been slow to respond or even recognize the magnitude of the climate threat. It is true of my own country, as well. We recognize that. But this is a new day. It is a new era. And I am proud to say that the United States has done more to promote clean energy and reduce carbon pollution in the last eight months than at any other time in our history. We are making our 's largest ever investment in renewable energy -- an investment aimed at doubling the generating capacity from wind and other renewable resources in three years. Across America, entrepreneurs are constructing wind turbines and solar panels and batteries for hybrid cars with the help of loan guarantees and tax credits -- projects that are creating new jobs and new industries. We're investing billions to cut energy waste in our homes, our buildings, and appliances -- helping American families save money on energy bills in the process. We've proposed the very first national policy aimed at both increasing fuel economy and reducing greenhouse gas pollution for all new cars and trucks -- a standard that will also save consumers money and our nation oil. We're moving forward with our nation's first offshore wind energy projects. We're investing billions to capture carbon pollution so that we can clean up our coal plants. And just this week, we announced that for the first time ever, we'll begin tracking how much greenhouse gas pollution is being emitted throughout the country. Later this week, I will work with my colleagues at the G20 to phase out fossil fuel subsidies so that we can better address our climate challenge. And already, we know that the recent drop in overall U.S. emissions is due in part to steps that promote greater efficiency and greater use of renewable energy.
气候变暖英语Climate warming。
Global warming has posed a serioud threat to the survival of humanity in the future. Few people have realized that what our actions in this time mean more ato our future than ever. More than ever before, the basic survival of our species is threatened by the danger of a no longer stable climate, which will destroy the regularity of almost every parts of our life. As the studies conducted by massive gathering of scientists from all over the world points out, if the global average temperature rised over 2 degrees Celcius, global climate change will be self sustaining, at that point, a no longer stable climate will be the nightmare reality for every inhabitant of earth. Although technology will probably play a key part in saving us from catastrophic troubles, one must not forget that it's technology that got us in this trouble in the first place. In using the techniques developed by those advanced geo-physicists, the future of earth is risked more than climate change, as we have witnessed the unintended consequences of altering nature artificially. Among all the green energy sources, residential solar power generation has the potency to save the world. Few people knows that residential solar generated electricity will be enough for all the uses of the household, maybe even some extra selling back to local utilities. China has the most potential in achieving a Solar Revolution, because China has the most potential in the suply and demand of solar power. Suntect Power ( 尚德) , a remarkable Chinese solar company, offers high quality products in world standard in really low Chinese prices, a miraculous combination. On the demand, a greatest number of residential owners in the world could possible want to get solar generated electricity. If only the Chinese comes up with the right incentives and subsidy to guide the Chinese solar market, it could be the tricker for a revolution that will save humanity from diasters and the change of fortune for China. As the situation entails,everyone of us has responsiblities to protect the planet and ensure the survival of our species. In daily life, try to fulfil the concept of reduce, reuse and recycle as much as one's ability allows and the concept of zero carbon emmission. Using this as these ultimate goals and guidelines, one should try these actions in every means possible and proactively seek and learn better ways to live a green way of life. More importantly, try to use as much green energy sources and products as economic situations allows, especially people in social position, to whom with greater resources lies greater responsibility to use those resources for the greater good.
不好意思, 好像写太多了, (谁让我专门研究过这个问题呢.......)你自己精简吧. 看看也有好处
全球变暖在未来构成了一个对人类生存构成严重威胁。很少有人意识到,在这个时候我们的行动意味着我们比以往任何时候更迹的未来。超过以往任何时候都对我们人类的基本生存受到威胁不再是一个稳定的气候,这将破坏我们生活的几乎每一个部件的规律性的危险。正如科学家所进行的大量研究,搜集世界各地的指出,如果全球平均气温升高超过2摄氏度,全球气候变化将是自我维持,在这一点上,一个稳定的环境将不再是现实的噩梦为每一个地球居民。虽然技术很可能会扮演拯救灾难困扰我们的一个重要组成部分,一决不能忘记,它的技术,在这首先给我们带来麻烦。在使用这些先进的地质物理学家研制的技术,对地球的未来是比气候变化更冒险,因为我们已经目睹了人为改变性质的意想不到的后果。在所有的绿色能源,住宅太阳能发电具有效力,以拯救世界。很少有人知道,住宅太阳能发电将足以为所有的家庭使用,甚至一些额外的售回本地公用事业。中国已经在实现一个最有潜力的太阳能革命,因为中国已在供应中最和太阳能电力需求的潜力。。 Suntect功率(尚德),一个了不起的中国太阳能公司,提供在中国的价格实在低,一个神奇的组合在世界标准的高品质的产品。在需求,最大的住宅业主可以在世界排名可能想要得到太阳能发电。我国政府如果只配备了适当的奖励和资助额,以指导中国太阳能市场,它可以是一次革命,它将从灾难中拯救人类.
[农]climatic variation; [农]又称 :气候变化(climate change); [大气]climatic change;
[农]climatic variation; [农]又称 :气候变化(climate change); [大气]climatic change;
Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth’s temperature to rise. They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flooding. m
What should s do to help prevent global warming? Give reasons for your suggestions.
The earth’s temperature is rapidly changing. As a result there has been a lot of climate change such as heat waves, droughts and floods. Scientists believe that this is the result of human activity, which is polluting the Earth’s atmosphere. This could become a disaster if s do not act to help prevent global warming. They can act in three ways; by supporting research, by making laws and by keeping the general public informed.
Firstly, s can support research. For example, they should encourage companies to develop vehicles that cause less pollution. They should also support alternative sources of electricity from wind and water rather than from oil and coal. As well, they should sponsor conferences to discuss the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions to the problem. copyright joozone
Secondly, they should make laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases that companies can emit. Private companies should be rewarded for following these laws. They should also be punished for creating pollution.
Finally, everybody is affected by global warming. Therefore, it is important that s involve individuals in the problem solving process. For example they should encourage households to save as much energy as possible by using more efficient light bulbs or less hot water. They should also encourage the public to recycle, and this should be compulsory for everyone. Another way of saving energy is by public transport systems. Governments should spend money on public transport to make it as easy as possible for the public to save energy.
In summary, it is clear that there are a lot of things that s can do to prevent global warming. They should involve companies, support scientists and encourage individuals to protect the planet.
1. Human beings are dependent on the Earth’s diversity of species. Wild species play a vital role in the maintenance of the planet’s ecological functions, yet every day on the planet 40-100 species become extinct.
2. Human life cannot exist in the absence of complicated interactions of millions of species in biological systems.
3. 50,000 plant an animal species disappear each year due to tropical deforestation, expanding agriculture and human settlement.
4. Human activities impact the environment, including clearing agriculture land; air, land and water pollution; urban and suburban development; and the introduction of invasion or non-native wildlife species. If land and wildlife are poorly managed, human being will risk fragmenting habitat.
5. We are living in the midst of a great chemical experiment, and some serious consequences are becoming apparent to scientist. More than two billion pounds of chemicals are spewed into the air each year. These chemicals are brewing a disastrous stew, resulting in an atmosphere crisis. The greatest consequences of the atmosphere crisis may be global warming and the ozone depletion. If human kind wants to survive well into the next millennium, we must stop this horrible destruction of our own environment.
6. The earth appears to be warming due to the greenhouse effect. Scientists estimate that the average temperature could climb about 2 degrees Celsius in 20 years. This change in the global climate would have disastrous results, including drought, coastal flooding and increased species extinction. And, scientists have discovered a hole in the ozone layer. The ozone layer is the only protection for life on Earth against deadly ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Once the ozone layer is completely destroyed, all life on Earth will cease to exist, killed by the deadly radiation. The planet will become a barren rock devoid of all life.
7. It allows for an unbelievably large amount of downloads and uploads of information, music,videos and all sorts of other things, as it is the engine of the information superhighway of our Information Era, in witch we live.