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tamoadmin 2024-07-09 人已围观

简介1.全球气候变暖的后果 英文加中文2.随着人口的增长,气候变化和环境的恶化如何节约食物和水,英语作文3.怎么用英语写全球变暖的利与弊4.以控制气候变暖为题的英语作文Earth Hour started in Australia with millions of homes and businesses turning their lights off for one hour. Now it ha

1.全球气候变暖的后果 英文加中文





Earth Hour started in Australia with millions of homes and businesses turning their lights off for one hour. Now it has grown to become one of the world’s biggest climate change initiatives. People are all joining together in a global effort to show that it’s possible to take action on global warming.Earth Hour has brought about some new changes to our lives. The iconic Bird’s Nest National Stadium and the nearby Water Cube National Aquatics Center, usually illuminated by floodlights, went dark at 8:30 p.m., while dozens of hotels, office buildings, shopping malls and restaurants also switched some lights off. People join activities such as candle-lit dinners and star-gazing parties as a response to the call for going dark. However, some critics have dismissed the event as simply a gimmick that will not make any difference.From my point of view, Earth Hour is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to take responsibility and to get involved in working towards a sustainable future. Earth Hour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make a different.


标志性的鸟巢国家体育场附近的水立方国家游泳中心,通常由泛光灯照明,暗时30分至晚上8时30分,而数十家酒店,写字楼,商场和餐馆也交换了一些灯光熄灭。人们参加活动,如烛光晚餐和观星人士去黑暗的号召的响应。然而,一些批评者被解雇的事件只是一个噱头,不会做出任何difference.From我的观点,“地球一小时”是一个全球性的呼叫的行动落实到每一个人,每一个企业和每一个社区。呼叫站起来,承担责任,并在努力实现可持续发展的未来。 “地球一小时”是一个希望的信息和行动的消息。每个人都可以做出不同。

全球气候变暖的后果 英文加中文

Spring is a new start in this year. It is warm and refeshed. we can play kites in the ground and we can play many many funny things and so on.The ice was felt. we can enjoy in it.Summer is hot in rea...


1、气候变得更暖和,冰川消融,海平面将升高,引起海岸滩涂湿地、红树林和珊瑚礁等生态群丧失,海岸侵蚀 全球变暖的可怕后果

,海水入侵沿海地下淡水层,沿海土地盐渍化等,从而造成海岸、河口、海湾自然生态环境失衡,给海岸带生态环境带来了极大的灾难。 2、水域面积增大。水分蒸发也更多了,雨季延长,水灾正变得越来越频繁。遭受洪水泛滥的机会增大、遭受风暴影响的程度和严重性加大,水库大坝寿命缩短。 3、气温升高可能会使南极半岛和北冰洋的冰雪融化。北极熊和海象会渐渐灭绝。 4、许多小岛将会无影无踪; 5、因为还有热力惯性的作用,现有的温室气体还将继续影响我们的生活。 6、温度升高,会影响人的生育,精子的活性随温度升高而降低……. 7、.原有生态系统的改变。 8、对生产领域的,例如:农业,林业,牧业,渔业等部门…… 9、将感染疾病等传染病……病菌通过极端天气和气候事件(厄尔尼诺现象,干旱,洪涝,热浪等……) ,扩大疫情的流行,对人体健康危害……


将更多的二氧化碳和温室气体排放到大气中所造成的危害,谁也无法确切地说明将来会有多严重?科学家正在估算气候变化所带来的危害。按目前的技术水平计算,2004年才能阐明大气中二氧化碳形成和消解的机理,这样就能发现温室效应是如何产生的。2006年才能准确的预知因地球升温而造成的海平面上升。然而真正理解这一切要到2050年。显然,科学家和政治家都不会等到进一步的结果出来才采取防治措施,现在的观察和研究成果应该都让公众了解,才不至于使人们不得不在50年后自咽苦果。 温室效应自地球形成以来,它就一直在起作用。如果没有温室效应,地球表面就会寒冷无比,温度就会降到零下20℃,海洋就会结冰,生命就不会形成。因此,我们面临的不是有没有温室效应的问题,而是人类通过燃烧化石燃料把大量温室气体排入大气层,致使温室效应与地球气候发生急剧变化的问题。 温室效应会产生什么样的影响呢?由于矿物燃料的燃烧和大量森林的砍伐,致使地球大气中的二氧化碳浓度增加,由于二氧化碳等气体的温室效应,在过去100年里,全球地面平均温度大约已升高了0.3—0.6℃,到2030年估计将再升高1—3℃。 当全世界的平均温度升高1℃,巨大的变化就会产生:海平面会上升,山区冰川会后退,积雪区会缩小。由于全球气温升高,就会导致不均衡的降水,一些地区降水增加,而另一些地区降水减少。如西非的萨赫勒地区从1965年以后干旱化严重;我国华北地区从1965 年起,降水连年减少,与50年代相比,现在华北地区的降水已减少了1/3,水资源减少了1/2;我国每年因干旱受灾的面积约4亿亩,正常年份全国灌区每年缺水300亿立方米,城市缺水60亿立方米。 当全世界的平均温度升高3℃,人类也已经无力挽回了,全球将会粮食吃紧。 由于气温升高,在过去100年中全球海平面每年以1——2毫米的速度在上升,预计到2050年海平面将继续上升30—50厘米,这将淹没沿海大量低洼土地;此外,由于气候变化导致旱涝、低温等气候灾害加剧,造成了全世界每年约数百亿以上美元的经济损失。


近年来,人们对从巴塔哥尼亚到瑞士的阿尔卑斯山地区的冰川因为“温室”气体的排放和普遍认为的 南极冰川融化速度加快

温室效应而融化的情况进行了观察。在南亚地区,问题并不是冰川是否在融化,而是融化的速度有多快?虽然全球变暖的许多不良影响可能要到21世纪末才会变得非常严重,但是尼泊尔、印度、巴基斯坦、中国和不丹等地的冰川融水可能很快就会给人们造成麻烦。 国际冰雪委员会(ICSI)的一份研究报告指出:“喜玛拉雅地区冰川后退的速度比世界其它任何都要快。如果目前的融化速度继续下去,这些冰川在2035年之前消失的可能性非常之大”。国际冰雪委员会负责人塞义德·哈斯内恩说:“即使冰川融水在60至100年的时间里干涸,这一生态灾难的影响范围之广也将是令人震惊的。” 位于恒河流域的喜玛拉雅山东部地区冰川融化的情况最为严重,那些分布在“世界屋脊”上的从不丹到克什米尔地区的冰川退缩的速度最快。以长达3英里的巴尔纳克冰川为例,这座冰川是4000万——5000万年前印度次大陆与亚洲大陆发生碰撞而形成的许多冰川之一,自1990年以来,它已经后退了半英里。在经过了1997年严寒的亚北极区冬季之后,科学家们曾经预计这条冰川会有所扩展,但是它在1998年夏天反而进一步后退了。


哈佛大学新病和复发病研究所的保罗.受泼斯坦注意到,植物也随雪线而移动,全世界山峰上的植物都在上移。随着山峦顶峰的变暖,海拔较高处的环境也越来越有利于蚊子和它们所携带的疟原虫子这样的微生物生存。 西尼罗病毒、疟疾、黄热病等热带传染病自1987年以来在美国的佛罗里达、密西西比、德克萨斯、亚利桑那、加利福尼亚和科罗拉多等地相继爆发,一再证实了专家们关于气候变暖,一些热带疾病将向较冷的地区传播的科学推断。


关于全球变暖的另一项研究结果更令人吃惊,由北极冰原融化,降雨量增加,以及风的类型的不断改变,大量淡水正汇入北大西洋,对墨西哥湾暖流造成破坏,从而切断北大西洋暖流。正是这些暖流把温暖的表层水从加勒比海带到欧州西北部,并使欧洲形成温暖的气候。而北大西洋暖流一旦因全球变暖被切断后,欧洲西北部温度可能会下降5-8℃之多,欧洲可能面临一次新的冰河时代! 这项研究是位于阿伯丁的苏格兰海洋实验所分析了设在兰群岛海域到法罗群岛海域之间自1893年以来的1.7万多次海水盐度测量结果得出的。在过去的每20年中,流向南部的深层海水盐度变得越来越小,浓度越来越低,这表明有更多的淡水从大西洋北部汇入了该地区。这些新数据第一次充分证明了德国科学家在大约3年前设计的计算机模型。 大气中的二氧化碳的含量急剧升高,而世界人口将在2050年之前达到100亿。“我们的世界正在朝着由人造设施来代替现有免费自然资源的方向发展”,明尼苏达大学的戴维·蒂尔曼说。但是,我们还没有掌握自然生态系统的有关知识。在2.45亿年前的二叠纪大灭绝中,96%的物种灭亡了。后来随着许多新物种的出现,地球上终于恢复了丰富的种群,但是这个过程足足经历了一亿年。威尔逊说:“一些人认为,自然界会复兴人类所毁灭的一切” 。谚语云:“只要有足够的时间,万物皆可应运而生。”或许自然界真的能够恢复一切,但这个漫长的过程对于现代人类无论如何是没有意义的。 马克·吐温曾经说过,天气最动人的特质就在于它的变化多端。1个多世纪过去了,我们仍然在为准确预报天气情况而努力,在控制气候方面却收效甚微;然而,对环境的破坏却是史无前例的。












(1)全球气候变暖直接导致部分地区夏天出现超高温,心脏病及引发的各种呼吸系统疾病,每年都会夺去很多人的生命,其中又以新生儿和老人的危险性最大。 (2)全球气候变暖导致臭氧浓度增加,低空中的臭氧是非常危险的污染物,会破坏人的肺部组织,引发哮喘或其他肺病。 (3)全球气候变暖还会造成某些传染性疾病传播。

1, have become warmer climate, melting glaciers, sea level rise, causing coast tidal flats, wetlands, mangroves and coral reef ecology group loss, coastal erosion global warming of the terrible consequences, salt water intrusion coastal underground freshwater, coastal land salinization, resulting in the Gulf coast, estuaries, natural ecological imbalance in the coastal ecological environment has brought great suffering. 2 waters, growing area. More water evaporation and extended during the rainy season, floods are becoming increasingly frequent. hit by floods, the opportunity to increase from crisis to increase the extent and seriousness, the Reservoir Dam shortened life expectancy. May 3, high temperatures will make the Antarctic and Arctic ice melting the Korean Peninsula. polar bears and sea will gradually as genocide. 4, many small islands will without a trace of heat inertia, because there is the role of the existing greenhouse gas will also continue to affect our lives. 6, temperatures will affect human reproduction, sperm and lower temperatures with the active......... the original ecosystem changes. 8, the production, such as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries sectors, to 9............ bacteria infection diseases through extreme weather and climate events, El Nino phenomenon and drought, floods, heat, and so on......), the expansion of the epidemic outbreak, the health hazards......

The impact of climate 2 will be more carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions to the harm caused by air, who are unable to accurately notes will be more serious? Scientists are estimated as a result of climate change. The current level of technology, 2, 2004, atmospheric carbon dioxide to clarify and resolve the mechanism, so as to find ways to produce the greenhouse effect. The Year 2006 can be accurately predict the result of global warming and sea level rise. However really understand this to the year 2050. It is clear that scientists and politicians will not wait until further results come out to take measures to combat the observation and research results to the public should understand that they will not make it had to swallow the bitter fruit after 50 years. Since the earth has been a greenhouse effect, it has been in effect. If there is no greenhouse effect, the earth surface will be extremely cold temperature will drop to minus 20 degrees C, will the sea ice, life will be formed. Therefore, we face is not whether the greenhouse effect, but human through the burning of fossil fuels Significant greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect and the Earth climate changed dramatically. What kind of impact will greenhouse effect? the combustion of fossil fuels and massive deforestation, as a result of the global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration 2, 2 the carbon dioxide emissions of greenhouse gases, such as in the past 100 years, the global average surface temperature has risen by around 0.3-0.6 degrees C, estimated to rise to 2030-1 3 0 c.

When the world average temperatures 1 o C, great changes in the will of sea level rise, the mountain glaciers will retreat, snow areas will be reduced. As global warming will lead to uneven rainfall in some areas increased rainfall, while some regions precipitation. In the West African Sahel region in 1965 after years of drought of north China, in 1965, the rainfall years, compared with 50 years, the North China' s rainfall has decreased by 1/3, the water resources has been reduced by 1/2; every year due to drought affected an area of about 400 million mu, normal national water irrigation area every year, 30 billion cubic meters of water shortages in cities 6 billion cubic meters. When the world average temperatures 3 o C, mankind has been unable to restore the global food will be critical. The temperature rise in the past 100 years in the global sea level on an annual rate of 1-2 mm on the rise in sea level is expected to 2050 will continue to rise 30-50 centimeters, and this will be inundated large low-lying coastal land; in addition, droughts and floods caused by climate change, low temperature, increasing climate disasters, resulting in the world each year approximately US dollars more than 10 billion in economic losses.

In recent years, the people of Trinidad and Tobago, the Swiss Alps region because of the "ice" greenhouse gas emissions and generally believed that the accelerated melting of glaciers in Antarctica


1. Human beings are dependent on the Earth’s diversity of species. Wild species play a vital role in the maintenance of the planet’s ecological functions, yet every day on the planet 40-100 species become extinct.

2. Human life cannot exist in the absence of complicated interactions of millions of species in biological systems.

3. 50,000 plant an animal species disappear each year due to tropical deforestation, expanding agriculture and human settlement.

4. Human activities impact the environment, including clearing agriculture land; air, land and water pollution; urban and suburban development; and the introduction of invasion or non-native wildlife species. If land and wildlife are poorly managed, human being will risk fragmenting habitat.

5. We are living in the midst of a great chemical experiment, and some serious consequences are becoming apparent to scientist. More than two billion pounds of chemicals are spewed into the air each year. These chemicals are brewing a disastrous stew, resulting in an atmosphere crisis. The greatest consequences of the atmosphere crisis may be global warming and the ozone depletion. If human kind wants to survive well into the next millennium, we must stop this horrible destruction of our own environment.

6. The earth appears to be warming due to the greenhouse effect. Scientists estimate that the average temperature could climb about 2 degrees Celsius in 20 years. This change in the global climate would have disastrous results, including drought, coastal flooding and increased species extinction. And, scientists have discovered a hole in the ozone layer. The ozone layer is the only protection for life on Earth against deadly ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Once the ozone layer is completely destroyed, all life on Earth will cease to exist, killed by the deadly radiation. The planet will become a barren rock devoid of all life.

7. It allows for an unbelievably large amount of downloads and uploads of information, music,videos and all sorts of other things, as it is the engine of the information superhighway of our Information Era, in witch we live.


这是全球变暖对农作物生长的利与弊 不知道可不可以?

Control warming is everybody's businessFashionable girl pursue "office", the weight is about "tax", is "student", now, you enquiring "carbon reduction"? Also become a vulgar. The typhoon, frequent droughts, floods, accelerating melting glaciers, species extinction, these are the tragedy of global warming, coal, oil and fossil energy consumption of the carbon dioxide that cause global warming is the culprit.Every day we must breathe, Internet, electricity, car... All of these can cause emissions of carbon dioxide. So, from morning till evening sleep a day, we how much carbon emissions? According to statistics, China family's annual average of carbon emissions is 2.7 metric tons. The reporter understands, many citizens living in nanjing details to pay more attention to reduce energy consumption, the method is more scientific and trendy, "low carbon life" has become a new attitude to life."Da" everyday "low carbon calculate""We live in each bit by bit can be quantified for digital", the reporter understands, network has begun to pop low carbon calculator: "life", "carbon calculator whole calculator", "energy conservation and emission reduction in carbon emissions computing website"... Some of the net, net watercress is built on "low carbon various life", actively promote the team "carbon neutral" concept, study how to reduce carbon emissions, teach how users "low carbon" enjoy life."After 80" benign in college is a real environment, is the "low carbon". She tells a reporter, the side of the everyday a friend for weight loss, but she stands on the network, every day will use the "carbon calculator" to "own" low carbon. "Go down stairs a floor to reduce carbon emissions, 0.218 kilograms less air conditioning for an hour 0.621 reduce carbon emissions, with less kilogram ton water reducing 0.194 kilograms carbon emissions, less with 10 pairs of disposable chopsticks, can reduce 0.2 kilograms carbon dioxide emissions..."Li xin often to family and friends extension of low carbon concept and reduce energy consumption of the coup. "Even eat less meat is a product of environmental protection, because the animal husbandry will spend more than vegetable production of energy, eat less 0.5 kilograms carbon dioxide emissions, but meat 700 grams." Li xin tells a reporter, many friends, now that his childhood, make a habit of changing "low carbon".Experts to carbon dioxide did youThese data is how to calculate? The world wide fund for nature (WWF) global climate change response plan and director of dr Yang told reporters, examine to carbon dioxide is easy, whether individual eat and drink pull scatter sleep, or all three of daily life, emissions of carbon dioxide can be understood how to calculate. For example, household electrical carbon dioxide emissions (Kg) = power degree 0.785 x, Drive co2 emissions (Kg) = consumption liters x number of 2.7, Fly to the excursion within 200 kilometers (Kg) of carbon dioxide emissions 0.275 x = mileage...Dr Yang to reporters on bill. Each day through breathing about release carbon dioxide 1.14 kilograms, The computer USES a year on average 1.5 kilograms carbon dioxide indirect, A car engine fuel burning liter per releasing carbon dioxide to the atmosphere 2.5 kilograms. In China, a city white-collar even only 40 square meters of residential area, the car emissions from 1.6 L, one plane 12 times, carbon emissions in 2611 tons."This is terrible, low carbon life really is we need build green lifestyle." "The home for the energy-saving bulb, air temperature down two degrees Celsius, reduce time watching TV with water, wash basin, insist to wash clothes." Dr Yang said all these things, and his side can be conveniently."Life" low carbon can really change the earth's temperature?Many people would have such doubt, if we are in the note "drops of low carbon," really can alleviate the earth warming steps? Dr Yang certainly told reporters, low carbon life, to slow global warming effect is very great.He told reporters, carbon dioxide can exist on earth, earth in hundreds of carbon dioxide or the human production since the industrial revolution. In 100 years, global emissions of carbon dioxide will be increased to the original twice, heating has become inevitable. Until now the human still continuously produce large amounts of carbon dioxide.In response to climate change, people put more attention focused on reducing agricultural production in the field of carbon dioxide emissions, but often ignored the urban residents of the daily life of carbon dioxide emissions. Dr Yang said in the daily life, everyone has his own carbon footprint, it is everyone's greenhouse gas emissions. According to the calculation, 1999 and 2002, urban residents living in every country can take some 26% of energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions by 30% of the residents living is to satisfy the demand of behavior and cause. Urban residents have become the largest carbon dioxide "customer". 控制变暖人人有责时尚女孩追求的是“减肥”,上班族在意的是“减税”,学生关注的是“减负”,如今,你“减碳”了吗?也成为一句流行语。频繁的台风、干旱、洪水,冰川加速融化,物种加速灭绝,这些都是全球变暖带来的灾难,而煤炭、石油等化石能源消耗产生的二氧化碳正是导致全球变暖的罪魁祸首。我们每天都要呼吸、上网、用电、坐车……这些都能造成二氧化碳的排放。那么,从早上起床到晚上睡觉,我们一天到底排放了多少碳呢?根据统计,中国家庭每年碳排放量的平均水平为2.7吨。记者了解到,南京许多市民在生活细节上更注意节能减耗,方式方法也更科学新潮,“低碳生活”也成为一种新兴的生活态度。“低碳达人”天天“算计”自己 “原来我们生活中每一点一滴都是可以量化为数字的”,记者了解到,网络上已经开始流行各种低碳生活计算器:“碳排放计算器”、“全民节能减排计算器”、“碳排放量计算网站”……豆瓣网的一些网友,更是建起了各式各样有关“低碳生活”的小组,他们积极推广“碳中和”概念,研究如何减少碳量排放,教网友如何“低碳”地享受生活。 “80后”的李欣在大学里学的是环境专业,是一个地地道道的“低碳族”。她告诉记者,身边的不少闺蜜们每天都在为减肥发愁,而她却特立独行,每天会用网络上的“碳排放计算器”来计算自己的“低碳生活”。“走楼梯上下一层楼能减少0.218千克碳排放,少开空调一小时减少0.621千克碳排放,少用一吨水减少0.194千克碳排放,少用10双一次性筷子,可减少0.2千克二氧化碳的排放……” 李欣时常向家人和朋友推广低碳理念和减少能源消耗的妙招。“连少吃一顿肉也是环保,因为畜牧产品的生产比蔬菜会耗费更多的能源,少吃0.5千克的肉,可减排二氧化碳700克。”李欣告诉记者,身边有很多朋友,现在都开始坚持从小习惯改变自己,做个“低碳族”。 专家教你给二氧化碳算账 这些数据又是如何计算出来的呢? WWF(世界自然基金会)全球气候变化应对计划主任杨富强博士告诉记者,给二氧化碳算笔账其实很容易,不管是个人的吃喝拉撒睡,还是一家三口的日常生活,排放了多少二氧化碳都能一清二楚地计算出。比如,家居用电的二氧化碳排放量(Kg)= 耗电度数×0.785;开车的二氧化碳排放量(Kg)=油耗公升数×2.7;乘坐飞机进行200公里以内的短途旅行的二氧化碳排放量(Kg)=公里数×0.275…… 杨博士给记者算了笔账。每人每天通过呼吸大约释放二氧化碳1.14千克;电脑使用一年平均间接排放二氧化碳10.5千克;汽车的一台发动机每燃烧1升燃料向大气层释放二氧化碳2.5千克。在中国,一个城市白领即便只有40平方米的居住面积,开1.6L排量的车上下班,一年乘飞机12次,碳排放量也会在2611吨。 “这个数字其实挺可怕的,低碳生活真的是我们急需建立的绿色生活方式。”“把家中灯泡换为节能灯,把空调温度调低两摄氏度,减少看电视时间,用洗脸盆接水洗脸,坚持用手洗衣物。”杨博士表示这些都是自己身边的小事,随手能做到。 “低碳生活”真能改变地球温度吗? 不少市民会有这样的疑惑,我们如果点点滴滴都在注意“低碳”,真的能缓解地球变暖的脚步吗?杨博士肯定地告诉记者,全民低碳生活,对减缓地球变暖的效果是非常巨大的。 他告诉记者,二氧化碳在地球上能够存在上百年,现在地球上的二氧化碳还是工业革命以来人类制造的。在100年内,全球二氧化碳的排放量将增加到原有的两倍左右,升温已成为必然。到如今人类还在源源不断地产生大量的二氧化碳。 在应对气候变化问题上,人们把更多的目光聚焦于减少工农业生产领域的二氧化碳排放,却往往忽视了城市居民日常生活所产生的二氧化碳排放。杨博士说,在日常生活中,每个人都有自己的碳足迹,它指的是每个人的温室气体排放量。据测算,1999年到2002年间,城镇居民生活用能已占到每年全国能源消费量的大约26%,二氧化碳排放的30%是由居民生活行为及满足这些行为的需求造成的。城市居民也成了排放二氧化碳的“最大客户”。